Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So up here in Flagstaff we are always doing something crazy and random. For example the other day we went slip 'n sliding at 11:33 when the sprinklers came on at our apartment complex! We also try to find our little skunk friend so that we can shoot him with an air soft gun that my roommate bought a couple of weeks ago or try to spotlight people as they walk by and the list goes on. One of my favorite random things that came about here in flagstaff is the time that we had a huge flour fight! We were sitting around trying to figure out something to do on a Saturday night when it come to us that we needed to have a flour sock war! But soon we found out that having flour in the bottom of socks really hurts when you get hit with them so we left the socks and just started throwing the flour which was a lot more fun because then it really left a mark! Here are some pictures of that great night!

It was a ton of fun! You should all try it sometime but make sure that you have a big place that you don't have to clean up after yourselves!


Camille Elise said...

RHONDA!!! How's life??? That last picture tells me...you're good...or at least having a big messy fun time! :)

Camille said...

Sounds like fun! We have a big thirty pound bag of flour in my deep freeze, but it would probably get kind of weird just me and kyle throwing it around on ourselves. I guess i need my friends to come up here so we can have flour fights!

Holly Janeen said...

glad i found your blog :)
love ya!

Photography By Jo said...

Oh wow that does look like fun!