Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm Still Here I Promise

I know, I know! It has been forever since I have written a post! I promise I am still alive. Here is a little of what I have been up to this last semester!

In November we had an institute formal dance which was so much fun but also kind of crazy! my roommate Mary was the one incharge of the formal so the whole setting up and taking down was the crazy part but I so at ton of fun! Ashley, another roommate had the job to decorate the enterance to the dance and if I do say so myself it turned out amzing! Josh Heywood came up to Flagstaff for the dance which was way fun too!

(This is only the end of the entrance but it was the best Part!)

(This is the group that we had dinner with.)

(Me and my date)
Another exciting thing that happened is that Mandy FINALLY came to visit me in Flag!!!!!!! She was here for five days and we had a total blast! The best part was that we had our first Snow Fall while she was here!

Here is Mandy and the Snow covering our truck!

We went around taking pictures of random things and this is one of my favorites.

I just love this picture!

So these are a little out of order but I don't feel like fixing them so we jump to Christmas! I love Christmas so it is a good thing that all my roommates do as well! We have had Christmas set up in our apartment since the day after Thanksgiving! We have a real tree that makes our apartment smell amazing!!!!!!!! I love it! And San-T&A came to visit us already and brought me and my roommates matching pj's so of course we had to take pictures!

Ashley, Carissa, Levi, Rhonda, Tim, and Mary. (Levi is an is basically a roommate because he only goes home to sleep and change.)

All the Roomies!

So San-T&A was really Tim and Ashley so Thanks Girls! We all love you!

The same night that we got the pj's we, as in bluiding ten, decided to have a secret santa gift exchange. It was so fun and everyone gotsome great gifts! We start the night by reading the Christmas story and then the fun began!

This is Levi again you can't tell because the ribbon is turned but it says "Number 1 Levi!"

Yet again build ten decided that we needed to have a Thankgiving dinner and so we ended up with all of this.

This is only like a third of the food that we had that night!

This is some of the gang all nice in cozy in our little apartment.
So sorry this post was forever long but I had to catch up! So hope you enjoyed!


Ashley said...

I love it! And the pic of me and levi looking into my eyes is my fav! We are so cute! I miss you already Rhonda!!!

Photography By Jo said...

Buurrrr it looks cold there! Yikes! I don't know how I'm going to live in Idaho in the winter.

Geevz said...

oh flag, how I miss thee and the adventures

Jamie said...

Looks like you guys have so much fun together. Makes me think about "the good ol' days!"

Thank you for saving me the other day! You are a gem!

Camille said...

That looks like a lot of fun! Merry Christmas dearie.

lindsay said...

your pj's are super cute, i love it! and what a fun dance - that's so cool that josh came up for it! He looks so much older with darker hair and that beard stuff goin! i'll give you a call soon, i really want to get together now that you're home!

Lindsey said...

That's all so fun! It makes me miss my roomates:o)