Monday, September 29, 2008

Dance Time!

So I love to dance! Those of you who know me know this to be true. This is a very good thing since in Flagstaff we have a dance once a month at the institute. These dances are always a lot of fun but after you go to so many of them you kind of know what to expect. So my roommates and neighbors decided that we were going to spice up the next dance! We found out that the next dance was a sock hop! So not only did we have the coolest socks but we also had the best outfits!

So this is the whole bunch that everyone called the skittles!

Me and Tim! Yes that it right Tim! Her name is Timothie and she is my roommate and we all call her Tim.

This one is of my and all my crazy roommates minus Preston he is our next door neighbor! They are the best roomies EVER! Love you girls!

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